
Join Us In Ohio For The 2017 OAMP Convention

Look For Us At The 2017 OAMP Convention!

If you're going to be attending the 2017 OAMP Convention in Columbus Ohio, stop by our booths and say hello! Take a peak at what we're showcasing for 2017 and while you're there, check out what's new in sausage flavors for 2017. We're looking forward to seeing you!

Booth#'s: 116 & 117
Columbus Airport Marriott
1375 N. Cassady Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43219

For more information regarding the convention, call 740-828-9900.


Other Trade Shows We Will Be Attending
March 3rd - 5th Columbia, Missouri (MAMP Meat Convention)
March 16th - 18th St. Cloud, Minnesota (MAMP Meat Convention)
March 16th - 18th West Lafayette, Indiana (IMPPA Meat Convention)
March 30th - April 2nd   Middleton, Wisconsin (WAMP Meat Convention)
May 11th - 14th Rockwood, Pennsylvania (PAMP Meat Convention)
June 25th - 27th New York, New York (Summer Fancy Food Show)
July 20th - 22nd Lexington, Kentucky (AAMP 78th Annual Convention)

To find out more about the convention, contact the OAMP Office.

Check out the Ohio Association of Meat Processors website to learn more about this organization.


Join Us In Ohio For The 2017 OAMP Convention


Pro Flavor

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